
Garvin & Natalie Byrd

Senior pastors

The Byrd's are originally from Atlanta, GA, where Natalie studied at Georgia State University. Garvin received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Morris Brown College and a Jurist Doctorate Degree from Woodrow Wilson College of Law.

Word of God Fellowship was established in September 2003. The specific calling was from 1st Peter 5:2... " Feed the Flock of God ..."
 They Love the Lord; their Family, the Body of Christ, and all People. They desire your prayers and diligently pray for others.  
They have over 36 years of marriage experience and success. They are blessed of the Lord with three sons, eight grandchildren, three great grandchildren.


On Sunday August 31, exactly one year from the date we joined Faith Christian Church in Amelia, Virginia, the Lord spoke an audible call into ministry to me, through my godson.

While we visited and fellowshipped with some other Church members, in the home of Steve and Jeannine Pitts, we began to sing songs of praise to the Lord. Prior to the songs, Jeannine asked me to share a "word from the Lord". 1 really thought she was kidding. She persisted. Rosemary Harris and Deion Wood joined the prodding. They made references that I was resisting the call of the Lord into ministry. I responded, I am not resisting, but I am not going on the request of others. I said, I am waiting to hear the audible voice of the Lord. Little did I know, the Lord would answer within a very few minutes?

Pam Goodrum, Josh Goodrum and Jeannine Pitts began singing Praise Is What I Do. The Holy Spirit of God, inhabited the praises and the place. I shared a brief message" We Will Not Compromise, We Want All That God Has For Us".

A message went forth from Jeff Harris, in tongues, then followed by the interpretation. The message was" I the Lord, am Lord of all. I want to manifest my power and presence not only in the Church, but also in your home and on your job. I will ignite you with my Fire! Fire! Fire!

At this time Rev. Joshua Goodrum, my godson, asked Jeannine for a Bible. As she started out of the room, the Spirit overcame her. He began to weep and rejoice. She expressed gratitude to the Lord for answering her prayer. She said "thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer. I didn't want this to be just a dinner and fellowship. I wanted this to be a time of celebration and worshiping you." The sound of her rejoicing filled the house. All who heard the rejoicing were also overcome by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit.

When Jeannine returned to the room, with the Bible, Rev.Goodrum said, he had a word from the Lord. He further stated that the Word was for me, Garvin. He read from 1 Peter 5. The command was "Elder, feed the flock of God… " He declared, “Garvin, you have been running.” You must now "Do My Will, Do My Will! Do My Will!”
Josh directed all to gather around me, they anointed and prayed for my wife and me. He declared that we are to begin a "new work." He declared that those in attendance were the flock, I am to feed.

There were twelve adults present, excluding my wife and me. Steve and Jeannine Pitts, Damon and Deion Wood, Jeff and Rosemary Harris, Mark and Tamara Jones, Donald and Desiree Johnson, Brad and Joyce Holmes. Rev. Joshua and Pamela Goodrum delivered the Prophetic Word.

My Pastor Dorsey Drawhom and his wife Deloris Crite, were present for the dinner, but had to leave for another engagement prior to the "move of the Spirit".
I informed Pastor Dorsey at my earliest opportunity, of the event of Sunday evening. He

He also said, " it was the will of the Lord for them not being present when the "move" occurred. He explained, since he is my Pastor, the Prophet would not have freedom to operate in the prophet office. With the Pastor removed the Prophet could operate without constraint"
Pastor Dorsey committed his full support. He also said he knew of the call on my life,
prior to us joining his Church.
He met with our Board and declared blessing over this ministry. He facilitated the meeting within which we were organized as a Church with the appointment of me as the Pastor.
Our Church is Word of God Fellowship. We are Bible-Based, Christ-Centered, Holy Spirit Led, and Mission/Ministry Bound. Our Calling is to Feed the Flock of God, 1 Peter 5:2-3.

The Pastor, Elders, and Membership of Faith Christian on Sunday, September 14th blessed and issued us a  Certificate of License at 10:00 AM. We had our first service at 3:00 PM that afternoon.

We requested and received approval to partner with the Church of Our Savior for use of their facility to fulfill the Call of God to "Feed His Flock". The first service was very Anointed. I opened with a review of our Vision and Mission. Priest David Handley from, Church of Our Savior, greeted and welcomed us to share their facility. He surprised all with a statement, " you will probably buy this facility from us in the near future." Pastor Keith Duncan, His Call Ministries, accompanied by Jeannine Pitts, Billy Hux, Steve Pitts, Samatha Aguillar, and Michelle Duncan, led the Praise and Worship. Rosemary Harris delivered a brief teaching on the Bride of Christ, Jeff Harris delivered a powerful teaching on the Tithe and Offering. I requested John B, Ministry Leader at the House of Paul, to share a portion of his testimony, "Petersburg". He shared that Petersburg, Va was his Egypt. I then shared the Sermon message " Lost Power”.
There were approximately 90-110 people in attendance. Two families submitted applications for membership.

In the spring of 2004, our Worship location changed to 6255 Old Warwick Road, Richmond, VA on the Campus of the Richmond Outreach Center.

The R.O.C. building was sold to the city of Richmond in the summer of 2014. On July 24, 2014, we W.O.G.F. started having Worship Services at the DoubleTree+Sheraton hotels while looking to locate and purchase our own building. 

On March 25, 2015, the building in which we currently own and worship at 426 Courthouse Road, North Chesterfield, VA was purchased. We immediately begin Construction of the Fellowship Hall and expansion of the Sanctuary. The first service in our newly purchased facility was on Mother’s Day, May10th 2015.

The Lord, established us; moved us; and continue within and upon us to draw and equip us to Feed His Flock in the Name of Jesus.   


Lorenzo & Jackie Winston